
"Yes, here!" I said, half-standing and waving to get her attention. It had been quite a few years since Mrs. Taylor had last showed me into the principal's office. For a moment, I thought there might have been a spark of recognition in her rheumy brown eyes, but it quickly passed."You can go back now," she said, curtly turning back to her typing."Thanks." I moved past her desk and down the hallway."Good afternoon, Mr. Weaver," the principal stood to shake my hand as I entered his office. "Please, take a seat."Thankfully, mean Mr. Hackford, my old grade school principal, was no longer in the district. That would have been too weird. It would also have been awkward for him, no doubt. How often does it happen that an educator in charge of disciplining someone as a student, later is also responsible for that student's child?"What can I do for you?" I asked as I took my place in the uncomfortable, institutional chair opposite Jim Bickford, the principal. Even though the man behind the desk. We may not be twins, darling, but there is huge empathy between us. And now I can share in your happiness."She took his head in both hands and gazed into his eyes then she kissed him very gently on the lips. It may have been gentle but it throbbed with love.It was Mark's turn to hold her head between his hands. As she saw the love and tenderness in his eyes hers began to fill."Serena, darling, that is something I want very much. I know that Victoria will also want you to be very much part of our lives. So, if we become too immersed in each other, give us a poke."Serena smiled despite herself. "I'll do that," she said. "Is she coming to tuck you up?"Mark nodded."Well in that case I'd better scarper. Mustn't interfere in that." She gave him another quick kiss and slipped out of the room.Mark undressed, did his ablutions, put on his pyjama trousers and slipped into bed.Not long afterwards there was a quiet tap on his door and Victoria slid into the room. She was wearing the blue.
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